A unique boutique at 6572 St-Hubert Street in Montreal - All our products are made in Canada

Barre de savon à l'érable du Canada - arloca

Canadian Maple Soap Bar

Regular price 17.49$

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This delightful sweet bar is inspired by the iconic Canadian maple. With a soft maple scent and a hint of vanilla, the fragrance will truly make you think of maple fudge (but please don’t eat it!).

Ingredients: Olive oil, Coconut oil, Avocado oil, Shea butter, Castor oil, Vanilla bean, Lye, Water, Seed paper, Wildflowers.

The paper is biodegradable and can be planted in soil to grow into beautiful wildflowers! Each label may contain a mix of the following wildflowers: Bird’s Eye, Clarkia, Black-Eyed Susan, Scouler, Snapdragon, Daisy & Sweet Alyssum.

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