A unique boutique at 6572 St-Hubert Street in Montreal - All our products are made in Canada

Des idées cadeaux pour la Saint Valentin... qui sortent de l´ordinaire !

Gift ideas for Valentine’s Day... that stand out from the ordinary!

Looking for an original Valentine’s Day gift?

You’ve come to the right place! We had a great time preparing this list of extraordinary gifts for your extraordinary partner!

A Tremblay Pepper Mill

The world’s top chefs agree: whole peppercorns are essential for seasoning that meets the standards of the art. Each Tremblay pepper mill is designed as a work of art and handcrafted in a small workshop in Estrie. A beautiful gift that is both useful and original!

Moulin parfumeuse en loupe de peuplier avec poignée en wengé

A Unique Wooden Clock

The aesthetic of this beautiful clock highlights a unique and local piece of wood. Finished with high-quality natural oils, it will withstand the test of time and trends. An ideal gift to subtly tell your partner that you want to spend eternity together.

Horloge murale ronde Terra

An Original Necklace

This striking necklace is inspired by the spring trend, reimagined in a unique version. It is entirely crafted from pewter and brass, combined with colorful glass pieces. Each necklace is one-of-a-kind and handmade in Montreal, using high-quality materials. A stunning piece that will delight those who love to stand out!

Collier Tereva

A Majestic Canvas

This canvas features a high-quality inkjet print of an original charcoal drawing by the artist, on fine-textured paper that resembles the professional paper used by watercolorists. This large 30"x45" format will elevate any room on its own.

Canevas Le Héron bleu encadré

A DIY Leather Card Holder!

Why give a simple cardholder when you can offer the experience and satisfaction of making it yourself?! This kit includes all the information and tools needed to create your very own cardholder.

Ensemble DIY porte-cartes en cuir

Visit us in-store for even more original and locally-made gift ideas!

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